Nov 26, 2019

Greensleeves Receives All "GOOD" Rating from the CQC

We are pleased to announce that following their recent inspection, the CQC (Care Quality Commission) has awarded Greensleeves a rating of "Good" in all 5 areas: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-Led. Highlights from the report include:

  • "People lived in a comfortable and homely environment. There were strong relationships between people and staff. This created a relaxed atmosphere where people enjoyed spending time together."

  • "The atmosphere at the home was lively and sociable, with staff engaging people with light hearted chat and humour."

  • "Staff were caring and attentive, treating people with dignity and respect."

  • "People felt safe living at the service. Comments included, "Yeah, I feel safe, no trouble", and, "I am quite happy here, the girls [staff] are looking after us, the girls are nice to us."


  • "People were treated with dignity and respect. Staff spoke to people in a kind and unhurried manner."

  • "Staff knew the people they cared for, including their preferences, personal histories and routines."

  • "Staff understood people's preferences and were responsive to their needs. They understood when people required encouragement and how to motivate them, keeping people active and engaged in their daily routines."

  • "The registered manager was a positive role model to staff. They had a good understanding of people's needs and were practically involved in the day to day running of the home."

Well done to the whole team!